The traditional Thai massage differs from Western massages as it primarily focuses on circulation and pressure points, promoting internal health and aiding in the healing of many symptoms. Little to no oil is used in this massage. In addition to hands, elbows, knees, and feet are also used for massaging.

Thai massage is an ancient practice with many benefits that are supported by modern science. It can reduce the severity of your headaches, alleviate lower back and joint pain, increase your flexibility, calm your anxieties, and energize both your body and mind.

Thai massage is not safe for everyone. If you have an underlying health condition, consult your doctor to determine if this traditional form of massage is safe for you.

Thai massage is not recommended for pregnant women.

You should consult your doctor before scheduling a massage, especially if you have:

  • heart conditions or coronary artery disease
  • high blood pressure
  • conditions that affect the spine, including osteoporosis and neurological disorders
  • diabetes
  • recent surgery
  • open wounds
  • cancer

In addition, medical experts advise avoiding massage if you:

  • bleeding disorders
  • deep vein thrombosis
  • burns
  • thrombocytopenia